
The Comfy Business Newsletter | Laura

Join thousands of readers building a business that works around Life Stuff (like chronic physical or mental health conditions, recovery from big life events, caring responsibilities). I send two-ish emails each week, to help you enjoy a more comfy business and life.

A microphone with a light shining on it
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3 things to help people know you, like you, and trust you (which helps them buy from you)

Selling would be easier if more people knew you existed, and those people felt comfortable with you, connected to you, and confident in your abilities. Here are three things that can help with that Reader #1 The Quietly Influential Summit - Free, plus the opportunity to buy recordings (affiliate link)20 interviews with introverted business owners (including me), talking about being visible, making an impact, and building a business by being ourselves. Registration is open now. The summit...

A group of pencils and sharpeners on a table

This email is about a different Laura. This Laura helps people escape soul-sucking day jobs (gosh I needed her 17 years ago). And this Laura isn’t a copywriter. But she has written her own About page and done a 10/10 job. You can read it here. I’m sharing it so you can see: How to build genuine connection, while positioning yourself as a credible professional - Laura has nailed this! How to weave in academic credentials that you might worry aren’t relevant to what you do right now, but are...

red and yellow light streaks

I got stuck in a cycle, which you may be familiar with Reader I wanted to improve the All Access Pass, so I stopped selling it, took down the sales page, and replaced it with a waitlist page. I’ve been working behind the scenes on the improvements I want to make but, while the Pass wasn’t available for people to buy… …it wasn’t making me any money, so I needed to promote, sell and deliver other things …. which meant I had less time to work on the upgrades…. ... so I couldn’t relaunch the...

person writing on a book

This email is for you if: You sell your expertise as 1-1 services, coaching, courses, programs or a membership You want to sell more of those things You’d rather hone your own copywriting and marketing skills than pay someone else to do it for you. You still with me Reader? That was a For You list - one half of the powerful copywriting tool, the For You/Not For You lists There are three ways you can use For You/Not For You lists to help you sell more, and one way you really shouldn’t. #1 For...

gold spoon near lemon

Dropping into your inbox to share this really lovely chat I had with Hannah Isted, author of the bestseller marketing book, The Best 90 Days Ever, when she interviewed me for her podcast. We talked about: Running a business around chronic illness (both of us have chronic health conditions) Selling something when you really don't wanna Timing when we work to match our spoon availability (energy levels) Squeezing every drop of value from the content we create What's worked and what hasn't when...

a close-up of a person's hands holding a baby's foot

Do you ever get part-way through a project, and then begin to doubt it’s a good idea Reader? Like that time you decided to clear out your wardrobe, but got bored once all the contents were stacked on your bed? Or the moment you noticed that hair dye was a lot more vibrant than you expected...after you'd smothered it all over your head? We’re on the final stretch to get the Comfy Business Playbook ready for Print-On-Demand (the digital version has been available for almost a year). I have The...

The 1st. It rolled around 12 times a year, and without fail was always the most anxiety-riddled day of the month Reader. Starting from zero - every damn month - THAT was a super-stressful aspect of self-employed life I found tough to adapt to. When I had a job, I’d get the relief of my salary arriving in my bank account at the end of each month, and as the calendar rolled over into the next month, I could feel pretty smug that every day I went to work, was another day’s wages owed to me. But...

It’s Wednesday 10th July (when I’m writing this, not when you’re reading it). I’ve just been interviewed by Liz Mosely for her podcast, Building Your Brand (the episode will be out August/September). I’m really happy with how it went. I do my best work when people ask me questions. I hear the question and this avalanche of knowledge and wisdom is released from some corner of my brain - and words come out - and another part of me is looking on thinking ‘wow you really sound like you know what...

Why can’t you just…… …stop talking …sit still ….try harder …. not try so hard …. speak up …. speak more gently .... be more confident ... don't be so full of yourself Any of those suggestions feel familiar Reader? I spent so much of my life trying to change who I am, and how I did things to fit with expectations, that when I became my own boss, I didn’t drop the contortionist act. I was still trying to fit in - but I didn’t realize I was doing it. There wasn’t one ‘WTAF’ moment that changed...

Do you have a website, or sales page that you don’t share because (you believe) it’s too ugly to be seen in public Reader? Or maybe you’ve been working on your website for months (or even years) but it never feels quite good enough to share. I get it. Website design was the first thing I outsourced in my business. I wasn’t terrible at it. I’d actually created websites for other people as part of my long and winding road into self-employment. But I was never satisfied with my effort at...