My peak-anxiety day each and every month

The 1st.

It rolled around 12 times a year, and without fail was always the most anxiety-riddled day of the month Reader.

Starting from zero - every damn month - THAT was a super-stressful aspect of self-employed life I found tough to adapt to.

When I had a job, I’d get the relief of my salary arriving in my bank account at the end of each month, and as the calendar rolled over into the next month, I could feel pretty smug that every day I went to work, was another day’s wages owed to me.

But when I started freelancing, I was white-knuckling it right up to the 30th/31st, clawing in enough cash to help support our family, and after a brief interlude to celebrate getting it done, ta-dah, it was the 1st of the month and the scramble started all over again, as my monthly income reset to £0.

When I stopped freelancing for agencies and set up Worditude Ltd (9 years ago 🤯), this first-of-the-month-standing-start was a priority for me to tackle.

Since then, I’ve used payment plans and membership models so I never start from zero…. or at least, I have a fair degree of predictability about how much income will arrive during the coming month.

Want to add some/more recurring revenue to your business?

Next week Erin Kelly, CEO and co-founder of MemberVault, is hosting the Recurring Revenue Summit!

I’ll be speaking about the evolution of the Worditude All Access Pass (currently undergoing an upgrade), and exploring whether it might be a good option for other businesses.

And 9 other incredible online business owners will be speaking about their own recurring revenue successes and challenges.

The Recurring Revenue Summit starts on July 29th, and it’s completely free – just sign up HERE.

See you there,


Recurring Revenue Summit

Starts in....

Count down to 2024-07-29T00:00:00.000Z

About your Worditude courses...

Access the course library here

Your username and password are both Reader

(unless you’ve changed these since your purchase)

Access my students-only Facebook group The Worditude Alliance here

For Passholders

Next Q&A Day is Monday 29th July

👋 The Who The Heck is Laura Reminder:

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The Comfy Business Newsletter is for people who want to create and sell online offers that enable them to make the money they need, doing work they enjoy while allowing time, energy, and flexibility for whatever Life Stuff they've got going on.

You can find out more about me, and what I do over at

The Comfy Business Newsletter | Laura

Join thousands of readers building a business that works around Life Stuff (like chronic physical or mental health conditions, recovery from big life events, caring responsibilities). I send two-ish emails each week, to help you enjoy a more comfy business and life.

Read more from The Comfy Business Newsletter | Laura
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